Jason Rabinowitz / Director
Jason has been teaching early childhood music for the last 9 years.

He's just finished performing in the TONY winning Broadway production of One Man Two Guvnors on Broadway as "Lead Singer".
He is a co-founder of GRAMMY nominated puppet-rock troupe The Pop Ups!

Through his work with The Pop Ups, Jason has won 2 Parent's Choice awards, a NAPPA award (National Parenting Publications Awards), lectured at NAEYC (Natl. Assc. For Education Of Young Children), has toured with Yo Gabba Gabba, has written 2 children's musicals that have toured the country being performed at such venues as The Kennedy Center, Symphony Space, The Annenberg Center in Philadelphia and many, many others.
The Pop Ups latest record RADIO JUNGLE just got nominated for a GRAMMY!!! Best Children's Album, 2012! We're very very excited!
Learn more about Jason and The Pop Ups here: http://www.thepopups.com
About The

We believe that parents and caregivers can have a great time while nurturing and educating their little ones.
We developed this class from looking at basic infant/toddler developmental benchmarks, then exploring fun ways to go about demonstrating them!
Singing, dancing, and lots of play abound in every class. Each week we discover a new sound, new instrument, or friend. We hear a new story, learn a new movement, part of our body, or musical concept.
We wonder at beauty, and roll around on the floor!
We have fun and learn while we do.
Come experience it for yourself at a free trial class!